
About Us

We would like you to know more about who we are and what we do. 

Our Mission Statement

At A.O.O Care Services Limited our mission is to Provide Compassionate Holistic Care through our skilled carers providing service for individuals that needs home, respite, end of life and complex adult care, providing tailored Care and Support according to the needs of the individual in a friendly manner.

moving an old man in a wheelchair

Our Commitment

At A.O.O Care Services Limited, we are duty bound to our Service Users, their families and Commissioners to meet and adhere to all Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) guidance for providers of Adult Social Care under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) – Regulation 2014 (Part 3) and Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulation 2009 (Part 4).

To work collaboratively with other multi-disciplinary Teams and the families of Service Users to promote and support the Service Users Choice, Independence, Safety, Social Inclusion and Skills Enhancement, Empowerment, Improvement and Development within a home friendly environment.


Successful Care


Expert Staff

moving an old man in a wheelchair

Our Values

We will maintain professionalism and competency in service users care, while individual staff will be answerable to their misjudgment. That is taking personal responsibility for their action.

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Why Choose Us

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Our service is driven by the needs of our clients. We provide efficient and effective service to meet our clients' needs. Assessing their needs and considering how, where and when they want these needs to be met within stipulated times.


We value every person - whether service users, their families or carers, or staff - as an individual, respect their aspirations and commitments in life, and seek to understand their priorities, needs, abilities and limits. We take what others have to say seriously.

Open hearted

We prioritize quality service and Service users' satisfaction while encouraging and welcoming feedback from service users, families, carers, and staff. Feedback is important to us as it enables us to improve the care we provide and build on our successes.


We make Safeguarding personal by putting our client at the center of the process, working collaboratively with internal and external agencies to ensure that safeguarding concerns are duly dealt with in a timely manner and future occurrences are minimized. We train our staff to identify and report concerns using the right channels.

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The Joiners Shop, The Historic Dockyard, Chatham ME44TZ

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0795 823 5027

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